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Kore Wireless and BWS Iot Announce South American Partnership

BWS IoT, a leader in tracking technology solutions, and KORE Wireless, one of the largest global companies in connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) services, announce a strategic commercial partnership for the sale of trackers.

This collaboration between the two companies will enable BWS IoT to provide its advanced tracking technology to KORE Wireless. In turn, KORE Wireless will equip BWS IoT tracking devices with its high-performance SIM cards, ensuring reliable and scalable connectivity, essential features for next-generation IoT solutions.

More than a simple exchange of technologies, this partnership represents a union of forces in the IoT sector. BWS IoT trackers, now powered by KORE Wireless SIM cards, will be sold by KORE throughout the South American region with data services included, offering flexible purchase and rental options.

“The union between BWS IoT’s tracking expertise and KORE Wireless’ connectivity excellence creates a powerful synergy,” said Oswaldo Conti-Bosso, CEO of BWS IoT. “We are excited about the possibilities this partnership brings to the market, offering more robust and efficient solutions, leveraged by KORE Wireless’ sales force.”

On the other hand, Julio Tesser, vice president for Latin America at KORE Wireless, stated: “This partnership with BWS IoT is a significant milestone for us. It reinforces our commitment to offering the best IoT connectivity technology, which is our main objective, supported by an excellent tracking solution, and we look forward to seeing the positive results that this collaboration will bring to the market.”

Among the products to be sold, the E3+ Tracker stands out with sales of over 1.6 million units in Brazil. This model has security against equipment tampering, update via OTA, protection against energy peaks, odometer accuracy (99.8%) with curve sensor, driver behavior, four violation alerts and two preventive alerts, approved in more than 200 platforms, among other market differences.

In addition to E3+, BWS and KORE are preparing new launches of tracking solutions based on the 4G network. A partnership that, in addition to strengthening the position of both companies in the Brazilian market, will allow KORE Wireless customers to have even greater access to innovative solutions adapted to their specific vehicle tracking needs.

About BWS IoT

Founded in 2013, BWS IoT is a leader in asset tracking and recovery technology in Brazil and has more than 2.8 million devices on the market, 3,000 clients and 250 tracking platforms integrated into its protocol. BWS IoT offers innovative technologies with excellent communication and humanized support to maximize operational efficiency and financial results for its customers. www.bwsiot.com

About KORE Wireless

KORE Wireless is a global pioneer and leader in implementing IoT and M2M solutions. Founded in 2003, KORE operates practically worldwide, offering connectivity services for IoT and M2M, in sectors such as vehicle tracking and recovery, fleet management, logistics, payment methods, monitoring and security, industry, agribusiness, smart cities , between others

Source: Bna Mericas
