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Colombia launches mass vaccination campaign

For this purpose, over 3,000 spots were set up across the country where the population can go to start or complete vaccination schedules against 30 diseases, it was announced.

According to MINSALUD’s figures, there are over 275,000 children in the country with incomplete immunization schedules, while some 169,000 pregnant women are in the same situation.

“Vaccination is an act of love and care. Although in Colombia it is not compulsory, it is considered an act of responsibility on the part of families and caregivers, without barriers and free of charge, and provided by the State to the country’s population within the framework of the fundamental right to health,” Dr. Gina Rojas, from the Ministry’s Promotion and Prevention Directorate, stated.

The main event of what has been called “Vacunathon” will take place in the city of Pasto, Nariño, in the southwest of Colombia.

Source: Prensa Latina
