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Vietnam values comprehensive partnership with Venezuela

Phan Dinh Trac, chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, hosted a reception on December 14 for Venezuelan Agriculture and Land Minister Wilmar Castro Soteldo, who is currently visiting the nation for the first International Rice Festival 2023.

During the course of their meeting, Trac affirmed the country’s unwavering policy attaching importance to the traditional solidarity with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the comprehensive partnership that exists with the Latin American nation. He said that the Vietnamese side is willing to share experiences and create favourable conditions for expanding agricultural co-operation between the two nations.

He added that the Venezuelan guest’s working visit is a practical activity aimed at promptly realizing the consensus of high-ranking leaders of the two parties and two countries, thereby further fostering the joint comprehensive partnership, especially in strategic co-operation fields such as agriculture.

He greatly valued a range of practical measures agreed upon by the two countries’ agriculture ministers aimed at resuming and speeding up agricultural co-operation programmes, as well as the signing of co-operation agreements in wet rice production which the Vietnamese side has strength and experience in, with both sides having a high demand for collaboration.

For his part, Minister Soteldo, who is also member of the PSUV’s national political council, expressed his admiration of the important achievements the country has recorded across its Doi Moi (renewal) process, as well as several miracle achievements of the Vietnamese agriculture sector in particular.  

He went on to call Vietnamese agriculture one of the largest rice producers in the world at ensuring food security.

Vietnam has shared experience and co-operation models, both bilaterally and multilaterally, in agricultural development and processing of agricultural products, especially rice, coffee, and seafood, he added.

Source: VOV
