Home » XV Peru-Ecuador Binational Cabinet Will be Held in Peruvian Territory in The Coming Months | News
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XV Peru-Ecuador Binational Cabinet Will be Held in Peruvian Territory in The Coming Months | News

Foreign Minister Ana Cecilia Gervasi and her Ecuadorian counterpart Juan Carlos Holguín agreed today that the XV Binational Cabinet and Peru-Ecuador Presidential Meeting will take place in Peruvian territory in the coming months.

The previous Presidential Meeting and XIV Peru-Ecuador Binational Cabinet was held in the Ecuadorian city of Loja in April of last year.

In the Ecuadorian city of Arenillas, the foreign ministers, together with the Minister of Defense of Ecuador, Luis Lara; the Vice Minister of Defense Policies of Peru, Jorge Chaparro; the National Secretary of Public Security and the State of Ecuador, Diego Ordóñez; The Vice Minister of Public Security of Ecuador, Freddy Ramos, and the Vice Minister of Internal Order of Peru, Néstor Zegarra, participated in a working meeting to discuss security and defense issues of priority interest to both countries.

The high authorities discussed the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes, arms, ammunition and explosives trafficking, illegal mining and discussed coordination initiatives in the fight against these serious crimes by the corresponding authorities of both countries.

Along these lines, they agreed to reinforce the control of irregular border crossings and the coordinated management of disaster risk.

Within the framework of this meeting, the defense ministers of Ecuador and Peru held a conversation in which they promised to arrange for the corresponding institutions to plan for the execution of coordinated operations to face threats and illegal activities in the border area.

The Vice Ministers of Public Security and Internal Order proposed to hold a forthcoming meeting of the Police Intelligence technical teams of both countries, for the evaluation of threats in the border area, and the development of simultaneous operational actions.-

Also, at the meeting the formation of the Binational Commission for the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Peace Accords was announced, on October 26, 1998, in Brasilia, the same one that will coordinate the binational events in which various institutions from the two countries will participate.

Both foreign ministers highlighted the installation of the Binational Technical Committees for the execution of the commitments of the Loja 2022 Action Plan, with a view to continuing to strengthen joint work and the excellent bilateral relationship.

Likewise, it was agreed to complete the negotiations for the inauguration and start of operations of the Binational Border Assistance Center (CEBAF) in Macará, corresponding to Road Axis No. 3, no later than the end of May 2023.

In addition, the foreign ministers announced the prompt reactivation of both the Binational Coordination Unit of the Puyango – Tumbes Binational Project, and the Permanent Binational Commission for the Administration of the Zarumilla Canal and the Use of its Waters.

Finally, they announced the next meeting of the Diplomatic-Technical Commission, whose purpose is to analyze the effects derived from the construction of river defense projects by both countries, as well as to agree on the necessary measures to overcome possible floods that may create these works.

Source: euro.ESEuro
